Lesson activity

Age group: 6th Form
Communicative goal: Comparing everyday activities with activities in progress
Grammar focus: Present Continuous (aff) and present simple (aff)
Vocabulary focus: sports
Recycled language: Simple present (aff), verb to be, phrases with at -in -on, animals, Present Continuous (aff,neg and int)
Duration: 80 minutes lesson 
Physical location: school facilities
Topic: Revision of the simple present, the present continuous, parts of the house, chothes.

Since the teacher needs that students work with computers, the activity will take place in the computer lab. In case there are not enough computers for each student, that is not a problem since the task will be performed in pairs or small groups.
Students will be presented the web Crossword Labs where they can learn and play solving crosswords.
First, the teacher will show the students how to use the web with the help of the instructions. Then, they will complete a crossword created by the teacher so they can practise with it and familiarize with the software.
Third, the teacher will explain the students how to create their own crossword with a tutorial that he/she has done.
Here is the link:

After watching the presentation, each group will get a different topic (such as, clothes, wild animals, parts of the house, etc.) in order to create a crossword. They will start the task in class under the supervision of the teacher who will guide them. 
They will have to include 10 words in the crossword with the respective clues or definitions.
Since they will not have enough time to finish in school, they will continue at home and next class each group will begin wih the presentation of the crosswords. Before doing so, they will have to send the link of the crossword to the teacher in order to make any change or correction suggested by the teacher if neccesary.
After each presentation the teacher will give some feedback and make clarifications if necessary and thwy will also choose 5 words of their own crosswords and make sentences in the simple present simple and/or present continuous as well.


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